I researched so much on diet and lifestyle that I started to share my knowledge with family and friends. I quite naturally became a speaker for health topics.
My experience with ‘CHEATING DEATH’ came with a price. I started to find that not everyone liked the health message. Not every one wanted to find a solution to over come sickness and disease. Not every one believed in natural healing. Not every one liked you for sharing. And a few had major issues with my diet and lifestyle choices. The majority of people however made sharing worth while.
By the time I discovered wheatgrass and started to grow and juice it. I was swimming my full lap with long rest periods between the next lap. Not expecting to get the result that I did with wheatgrass. I discovered a level of energy that I never knew I could have.
Ann Wigmore diagnosed with breast cancer in 1940 treated herself with an exclusively raw food diet. On regaining her health, she opened a health center called Humlegaarden where she treated many patients with cancer and other diseases. Ann Wigmore used wheatgrass as a key dietary component and began a revolution in the world of nutrition. From my own personal research wheatgrass was practically a cure all.
Why not give wheatgrass a go I thought......
Sanitarium Cereal
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