Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Immigrated to London U.K from a tropical island and a year later I developed asthma

My family and I immigrated to London U.K from a tropical island when I was 5 years old. A year later I developed asthma, a condition that would affect my life for many many years. Throughout my childhood, teenage and early adult years, it was not unusual for me to be admitted to hospital for asthma once or twice a year for about 7 to 10 days. 

Like other asthmatic sufferers I was prescribed inhalers. It was thought that I had childhood asthma and that It would eventually go. However that wasn’t the case for me, my asthma became more chronic each year, and by the time I was in my late 20’s I was experiencing several attacks within the day. Disliking the taste and the dry cough reaction that I experienced when taking the ‘reliever‘ inhaler I avoided taking it as prescribed making my condition more and more sever which caused my doctors to increase the dose of the inhalers.

All sport activities were a tremendous challenge at school especially cross country running. I learnt to go everywhere with the ‘reliever’ inhaler in my pocket, as having an attack when not having my inhaler near by was not only a frightening experience but also life threatening.

The Eden Sanitarium
Health and beauty Spa

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