I have been a vegetarian on and off for a number of years now mainly for health reasons. I also have a tremendous interest in the raw vegan lifestyle and value the impact it has made on my being asthma free today. I know that my body prefers the raw vegan diet. However I don’t place any restrictions on myself any more since I was able to reverse my asthmatic conditions. For some people adopting such a diet has proved to be instant with no turning back. Changing my diet and lifestyle has been a slow process for me. When I am out with friends at a restaurant or visiting certain family members my standards do drop. However I continue to move towards making better choices each day as a rule to my daily dietary choices. I am slowly transitioning to a plant based only diet.
I have been studying food and diets now for a number of years. From all of my studies I am impressed to say that a plant based diet is the best way to get all your necessary nutrients and phytochemicals and preventing diseases and aiding your body to stay healthy. I love the testimonials I come across and enjoy following the stories of people who have reversed their disease with a plant based diet.
My journey has impressed me to set up a project called The Eden Sanitarium for diet and lifestyle educational in order to raise awareness about the health benefits of diet and lifestyle changes, and to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their health and reverse diet and lifestyle related diseases. Follow us on http://www.edensanitarium.co.uk
The Eden Sanitarium
Health Beauty &
Beauty Day Spa
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
I threw my inhalers away and I have not been back to my GP for a repeat prescription ever since
I spent well over 25 years of my life on asthmatic medication which served me well when it came to stopping me from having an asthma attack. So it was not suprising to find it difficult to let go of my inhalers. I continued to carry them in my bag for 7 years after becoming asthma free. Not having my inhalers with me made me feel stressed and anxious. Those conditions alone would have given me an asthma attack in the past. So I started by traveling down to the local shops without it and eventually taking a car journey without it. I did this enough times to travel further and further away from home without the inhaler.
I eventually decided to put myself in a very challenging position in order to be sure if my asthma would appear under extreme pressure. A good friend of mine had a birthday and I decided to buy her a long week-end away to Portugal. I booked us a holiday with spa and swimming pool. As the plane was taking off I turned to her and shared that I had not packed my inhalers. She has know me for years and understood how serious not having my inhaler was. However she also knew that I had been asthma free for years and that this was another one of my experiments on myself.
This was a very active week-end away. Walking, swimming and using the steam and sauna room. I returned from the holiday without experiencing any asthma symptoms. So I threw my inhalers away and I have not been back to my GP for a repeat prescription ever since.
The Eden Sanitarium
Spa days north west
Health Beauty
I eventually decided to put myself in a very challenging position in order to be sure if my asthma would appear under extreme pressure. A good friend of mine had a birthday and I decided to buy her a long week-end away to Portugal. I booked us a holiday with spa and swimming pool. As the plane was taking off I turned to her and shared that I had not packed my inhalers. She has know me for years and understood how serious not having my inhaler was. However she also knew that I had been asthma free for years and that this was another one of my experiments on myself.
This was a very active week-end away. Walking, swimming and using the steam and sauna room. I returned from the holiday without experiencing any asthma symptoms. So I threw my inhalers away and I have not been back to my GP for a repeat prescription ever since.
The Eden Sanitarium
Spa days north west
Health Beauty
Why not give wheatgrass a go I thought......
By this time I appeared to many people to be an extremist with my diet and lifestyle. I also embraced the NEWSTART Diet and Lifestyle programme from Weimar. NEWSTART is an acronym for N-utrition, E-ercise,W-ater,S-unlight,T-emperance,A-ir,R-est,T-rust in Divine Power.
I researched so much on diet and lifestyle that I started to share my knowledge with family and friends. I quite naturally became a speaker for health topics.
My experience with ‘CHEATING DEATH’ came with a price. I started to find that not everyone liked the health message. Not every one wanted to find a solution to over come sickness and disease. Not every one believed in natural healing. Not every one liked you for sharing. And a few had major issues with my diet and lifestyle choices. The majority of people however made sharing worth while.
By the time I discovered wheatgrass and started to grow and juice it. I was swimming my full lap with long rest periods between the next lap. Not expecting to get the result that I did with wheatgrass. I discovered a level of energy that I never knew I could have.
Ann Wigmore diagnosed with breast cancer in 1940 treated herself with an exclusively raw food diet. On regaining her health, she opened a health center called Humlegaarden where she treated many patients with cancer and other diseases. Ann Wigmore used wheatgrass as a key dietary component and began a revolution in the world of nutrition. From my own personal research wheatgrass was practically a cure all.
Why not give wheatgrass a go I thought......
Sanitarium Cereal
I researched so much on diet and lifestyle that I started to share my knowledge with family and friends. I quite naturally became a speaker for health topics.
My experience with ‘CHEATING DEATH’ came with a price. I started to find that not everyone liked the health message. Not every one wanted to find a solution to over come sickness and disease. Not every one believed in natural healing. Not every one liked you for sharing. And a few had major issues with my diet and lifestyle choices. The majority of people however made sharing worth while.
By the time I discovered wheatgrass and started to grow and juice it. I was swimming my full lap with long rest periods between the next lap. Not expecting to get the result that I did with wheatgrass. I discovered a level of energy that I never knew I could have.
Ann Wigmore diagnosed with breast cancer in 1940 treated herself with an exclusively raw food diet. On regaining her health, she opened a health center called Humlegaarden where she treated many patients with cancer and other diseases. Ann Wigmore used wheatgrass as a key dietary component and began a revolution in the world of nutrition. From my own personal research wheatgrass was practically a cure all.
Why not give wheatgrass a go I thought......
Sanitarium Cereal
Was herbs the missing link to becoming asthma free
Was herbs the missing link to becoming asthma free? I read a lot on it. However, my favourite book to date has to be Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss. This is the only book on herbal medicine that I have. I have not come across a better book on natural healing anywhere. Packed with information on herbs and healing formulas, health, food and drink, life-choices, diseases and illnesses and much more. Although some of his work is considered to be outdated. Much of what the author has to say is still practiced to date. It is often read that his work deserves respect.
Mean while back at the swimming pool the elderly lady had become my role model. She too had made an impact on my life at the time. I loved watching her. I made an effort to turn up on the day she swam and the time she swam. I had to see this woman, every stroke she took made me more determined to swim further. More weeks went by and I could very nearly swim one lap of the pool, although still gasping for air. I noticed the difference with my lungs.
Although I wasn’t using the inhalers anymore with the diet change. I found that exercise proved that my asthmatic conditions was still a cause for concern. Exercise was the trigger that caused the symptoms of my asthma. I continued to research and eventually came across something called wheatgrass.
The Eden Sanitarium for Diet & Lifestyle Education
Health & Beauty
Spa Nights
Mean while back at the swimming pool the elderly lady had become my role model. She too had made an impact on my life at the time. I loved watching her. I made an effort to turn up on the day she swam and the time she swam. I had to see this woman, every stroke she took made me more determined to swim further. More weeks went by and I could very nearly swim one lap of the pool, although still gasping for air. I noticed the difference with my lungs.
Although I wasn’t using the inhalers anymore with the diet change. I found that exercise proved that my asthmatic conditions was still a cause for concern. Exercise was the trigger that caused the symptoms of my asthma. I continued to research and eventually came across something called wheatgrass.
The Eden Sanitarium for Diet & Lifestyle Education
Health & Beauty
Spa Nights
I was even more determined to become asthma free
I watched every one swimming like a fish, young and old, and here I was gasping for air. My lungs were in pretty bad shape. A few strokes and I had to stop and gasp for air. While wiping the water away from my face, I saw an elderly lady walking along the side of the pool. She was heading for the deep end to do the lane swim. I watched her for ages, she walked down the steps into the pool. Took her position, pulled down her goggles and off she went. Strong but gentle strokes, I watched this elderly women swim 6 laps. It took me that long to recover between a few strokes. Here I was, years younger than her with lungs of what I considered to be for someone more senior to me, and their she was an elderly lady with the lungs of what I would consider of some one years younger than her.
Thanks to this amazing elderly lady I was even more determined to become asthma free. I needed to do something else, but what? I went back to the books. Reading and searching for an answer. I became very serious with the diet change and very serious about exercising my lungs. Swimming, steam and sauna, power walking, running for the bus, I got rid of the car for financial reasons and found myself walking every where. I used the stairs instead of the escalators. Raising my awareness on reading books on asthma, on diet and lifestyle changes, on the latest research findings, I eventually started to explore the use of herbs for asthma.
The Eden Sanitarium for Diet & Lifestyle Education
Couples Day Spa
Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/Edensanitarium
Thanks to this amazing elderly lady I was even more determined to become asthma free. I needed to do something else, but what? I went back to the books. Reading and searching for an answer. I became very serious with the diet change and very serious about exercising my lungs. Swimming, steam and sauna, power walking, running for the bus, I got rid of the car for financial reasons and found myself walking every where. I used the stairs instead of the escalators. Raising my awareness on reading books on asthma, on diet and lifestyle changes, on the latest research findings, I eventually started to explore the use of herbs for asthma.
The Eden Sanitarium for Diet & Lifestyle Education
Couples Day Spa
Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/Edensanitarium
Four weeks on 75% raw vegetarian meals I found that I stopped having asthma attacks
By the time I was out of the hospital and well. Like all creatures of habit. I forgot about being a vegetarian for quite a while. However I knew that I had to get serious about my diet and lifestyle changes. I never want to be admitted to hospital for asthma again.
I increased fruit and vegetables in my diet in abundance. Avoiding the over cooking. Steam and stir fry veggies with plenty salad. Variety, abundance, juicing, smoothies and sprouting. For each meal 75% was raw, live, vegetarian with some cooked.
Four weeks into eating 75% raw vegetarian meals, eating flesh foods on rare occasions and eventually I found that I stopped having asthma attacks. Wow! I’m cured. Well, that’s what I thought.
Research shows eating a large amount of antioxidants flavonoids, and vitamins allows for lower rates of asthma. Antioxidants are a major factor in reducing asthma rates as they neutralize free radicals and protect cells from damage. Studies also show that children and teenagers that eat a lot of fruits and omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene, show a tendency to have strong lungs and few asthma-like symptoms.
Furthermore people who eat a low amount of nutrients like vitamin C and E and omega-3s are known to have poor lung function. The vegetarian,vegan diet shows promise for the prevention and management of asthma, as the diet is high in antioxidant and vitamins.
I could not believe the results I was having with my 75% raw vegetarian daily diet with the occasional few and far between, flesh foods. I stopped using all medication from my GP for asthma including the inhalers. However I was not prepared to take any risk, the relationship I had with my inhaler was too close. We were inseparable, we were never out of each others company for very long.
A friend of mine invited me swimming one day. Great, I had not been swimming in years due to my asthma. I though that would no longer be a problem.
As soon as I got into the water and attempted to swim, I discovered the challenge on my lungs and the difficulty breathing each time I did a few strokes.
Noooooooooooo!......No......I thought the asthma was gone. Every breast stroke told me other wise. So I decided to come back the next day by myself. I needed to be sure.
Weeks went by and I could not quite do the full lap, without stopping and gasping for air. My chest felt tight and I sensed that if I did not wait to recover from the exercise, before doing another stroke, I could have an attack. Some where far away, the potential for an asthma attack was still their although I did not actually have an attack. How annoying, I really thought the asthma was completely gone. It was their, but I only experienced it when ever I exercised.
I decided to take up swimming to strengthen my lungs, I didn't know how long it’s going to take but I was determined to beat this disease. I swam once, sometimes twice a week.
The Eden Sanitarium for Diet & Lifestyle Education
Welcome home sanitarium
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I increased fruit and vegetables in my diet in abundance. Avoiding the over cooking. Steam and stir fry veggies with plenty salad. Variety, abundance, juicing, smoothies and sprouting. For each meal 75% was raw, live, vegetarian with some cooked.
Four weeks into eating 75% raw vegetarian meals, eating flesh foods on rare occasions and eventually I found that I stopped having asthma attacks. Wow! I’m cured. Well, that’s what I thought.
Research shows eating a large amount of antioxidants flavonoids, and vitamins allows for lower rates of asthma. Antioxidants are a major factor in reducing asthma rates as they neutralize free radicals and protect cells from damage. Studies also show that children and teenagers that eat a lot of fruits and omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene, show a tendency to have strong lungs and few asthma-like symptoms.
Furthermore people who eat a low amount of nutrients like vitamin C and E and omega-3s are known to have poor lung function. The vegetarian,vegan diet shows promise for the prevention and management of asthma, as the diet is high in antioxidant and vitamins.
I could not believe the results I was having with my 75% raw vegetarian daily diet with the occasional few and far between, flesh foods. I stopped using all medication from my GP for asthma including the inhalers. However I was not prepared to take any risk, the relationship I had with my inhaler was too close. We were inseparable, we were never out of each others company for very long.
A friend of mine invited me swimming one day. Great, I had not been swimming in years due to my asthma. I though that would no longer be a problem.
As soon as I got into the water and attempted to swim, I discovered the challenge on my lungs and the difficulty breathing each time I did a few strokes.
Noooooooooooo!......No......I thought the asthma was gone. Every breast stroke told me other wise. So I decided to come back the next day by myself. I needed to be sure.
Weeks went by and I could not quite do the full lap, without stopping and gasping for air. My chest felt tight and I sensed that if I did not wait to recover from the exercise, before doing another stroke, I could have an attack. Some where far away, the potential for an asthma attack was still their although I did not actually have an attack. How annoying, I really thought the asthma was completely gone. It was their, but I only experienced it when ever I exercised.
I decided to take up swimming to strengthen my lungs, I didn't know how long it’s going to take but I was determined to beat this disease. I swam once, sometimes twice a week.
The Eden Sanitarium for Diet & Lifestyle Education
Welcome home sanitarium
Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheEdenSanitarium/info
I asked my doctor is she was able to cure me.....the answer was clear.....NO CURE!
This admittance was quite a serious one. The smog and high pollen count caused a really bad asthma attack that could have killed me. One of the ambulance crew sat with me. Non of the usual jokes and chatting. I could see he was sitting on the edge of his chair, studying my breathing. My observation was constantly being read. By the time we arrived at the hospital a crowd of professionals at A&E surrounded me. I remember coming in and out of consciousness. Hearing voices and seeing faces.
Mask over my face, canular in my arm, IV bag up and connected and discussions taking place over me. I didn’t think I would make it this time. I was fighting to breath and wheezing excessively. To make matters worse I was taken back to a ward full of elderly people again. When they transferred me to my bed, I remember my head tilted to one side which allowed me to see the patient in the bed next to me. She seemed to be fighting to breath too. My eye lids slowly shut and off I went to sleep.
It was dark when I awoke and noticed a lot of attention being given to the patient in the next bed to me. I knew it was serious but I was too sick and too drowsy to give much attention to it. I eventually woke up again, this time the doctors and nurses were busy behind the curtain.
By morning I was awaken by a woman serving breakfast. I turned to my right and noticed that the bed next to me was empty and well made. I over heard one of the patient talking about the woman in the next bed to me dying in the night.
I found it very difficult to face in that direction again. At the back of my mind I kept thinking that it could have been me. I have so much that I want to do with my life. So many things that I had not done yet. This disease had a huge impact on what I did.
For the first time I asked my kind doctor if she was able to cure me. The answer was very clear. I would have this condition for the rest of my life and that they would be able to manage the condition to improve the quality of my life.....No Cure!
The Eden Sanitarium.co.uk
Sanitarium Hospital
Mask over my face, canular in my arm, IV bag up and connected and discussions taking place over me. I didn’t think I would make it this time. I was fighting to breath and wheezing excessively. To make matters worse I was taken back to a ward full of elderly people again. When they transferred me to my bed, I remember my head tilted to one side which allowed me to see the patient in the bed next to me. She seemed to be fighting to breath too. My eye lids slowly shut and off I went to sleep.
It was dark when I awoke and noticed a lot of attention being given to the patient in the next bed to me. I knew it was serious but I was too sick and too drowsy to give much attention to it. I eventually woke up again, this time the doctors and nurses were busy behind the curtain.
By morning I was awaken by a woman serving breakfast. I turned to my right and noticed that the bed next to me was empty and well made. I over heard one of the patient talking about the woman in the next bed to me dying in the night.
I found it very difficult to face in that direction again. At the back of my mind I kept thinking that it could have been me. I have so much that I want to do with my life. So many things that I had not done yet. This disease had a huge impact on what I did.
For the first time I asked my kind doctor if she was able to cure me. The answer was very clear. I would have this condition for the rest of my life and that they would be able to manage the condition to improve the quality of my life.....No Cure!
The Eden Sanitarium.co.uk
Sanitarium Hospital
Back to hospital
It was summer and my hay fever came back. Itchy throat, weepy eyes, blocked nose, then the news headline indicated the pollen count was very high and that hospitals were expecting to have a high admittance for people with respiratory diseases. Within the same week of the announcement on the news, I experienced all the usual symptoms of wheezing, tight chest, dry cough, and frequent attacks throughout the day.
Eventually the 999 call went out and the ambulance crew came to pick me up. Back to hospital, bed bound, propped up with pillows, a nebulizer mask over my face, smoking and hissing away. My last shameful bed pan experience left me knowing that I would not be back in hospital again with this condition. I had the solution, but I did not want to let go of all my dietary habits.
That day at the hospital, I ordered my first vegetarian meal, with plenty vegetables and salad, and fruit for dessert. I made a choice to become asthma free that day.
The Eden Sanitarium
Diet & Lifestyle Education
Spa Day London
Eventually the 999 call went out and the ambulance crew came to pick me up. Back to hospital, bed bound, propped up with pillows, a nebulizer mask over my face, smoking and hissing away. My last shameful bed pan experience left me knowing that I would not be back in hospital again with this condition. I had the solution, but I did not want to let go of all my dietary habits.
That day at the hospital, I ordered my first vegetarian meal, with plenty vegetables and salad, and fruit for dessert. I made a choice to become asthma free that day.
The Eden Sanitarium
Diet & Lifestyle Education
Spa Day London
Self assessment
I started to take notes about my dietary intake and lifestyle. I took note of my symptoms, how frequent, how long they lasted, and how severe they were. I also noted how many times I took the inhaler and how many times I had an attack, what caused the asthma attacks. By the end of two weeks only, I learnt so much about myself and my dietary habits, and by the end of four weeks I understood my condition more than ever before. While making a self assessment I started to read about the foods that I was eating.
My diet consisted of meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, dairy products, especially cheese,cheese and more cheese, lots of white bread, very little fruit, one or two type of vegetable usually overcooked per day. Legumes, very little salad, and cheese, cheese and more cheese, white rice, my weekly treats of sweets, chocolates, cakes, salted peanuts,biscuits, crisps and fizzy drinks, at least 10 cups of tea a day. And my almost daily greasy fat chips from the local chippy, always over salted and doused with onion vinegar.
According to asthma.org.uk, most people with asthma do not have to follow a special diet. But, in some cases, certain foods, including cow's milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, yeast products, nuts, and some food colouring and preservatives, can make symptoms worse.
Every book and research I read showed strong links with the above type foods and asthma. I also discovered a lot of E numbers in my food and the negative reaction it has on many people. I removed cheese, sweets, chocolates, cakes, peanuts, biscuits, crisps and fizzy drinks from my diet. Occasionally I would have them, however they were no longer in my diet every day. Results, I still had asthma attacks and I still used my preventer inhalers. 3 months later I noticed that I was not using the inhaler as frequent. That is to say I was no longer using the inhaler beyond the recommended dose of 4 times a day. No other changes were made to my diet and lifestyle.
Excited by the results I then removed all other dairy from my daily diet. I had them sometimes, but not every day. Just a little over a week later, I noticed that I used my reliever inhaler only twice a day. Now that is amazing for me. A chronic asthmatic suffer, using the inhaler at least 6 + times a day to 2 to 3 times a day. I still had all the uncomfortable symptoms of asthma, but fewer. I knew that I was on the road to recovery. I had made positive changes to my diet and I was already getting results. I became comfortable with it and left it at that.
The Eden Sanitarium
Sanitarium Meaning
My diet consisted of meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, dairy products, especially cheese,cheese and more cheese, lots of white bread, very little fruit, one or two type of vegetable usually overcooked per day. Legumes, very little salad, and cheese, cheese and more cheese, white rice, my weekly treats of sweets, chocolates, cakes, salted peanuts,biscuits, crisps and fizzy drinks, at least 10 cups of tea a day. And my almost daily greasy fat chips from the local chippy, always over salted and doused with onion vinegar.
According to asthma.org.uk, most people with asthma do not have to follow a special diet. But, in some cases, certain foods, including cow's milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, yeast products, nuts, and some food colouring and preservatives, can make symptoms worse.
Every book and research I read showed strong links with the above type foods and asthma. I also discovered a lot of E numbers in my food and the negative reaction it has on many people. I removed cheese, sweets, chocolates, cakes, peanuts, biscuits, crisps and fizzy drinks from my diet. Occasionally I would have them, however they were no longer in my diet every day. Results, I still had asthma attacks and I still used my preventer inhalers. 3 months later I noticed that I was not using the inhaler as frequent. That is to say I was no longer using the inhaler beyond the recommended dose of 4 times a day. No other changes were made to my diet and lifestyle.
Excited by the results I then removed all other dairy from my daily diet. I had them sometimes, but not every day. Just a little over a week later, I noticed that I used my reliever inhaler only twice a day. Now that is amazing for me. A chronic asthmatic suffer, using the inhaler at least 6 + times a day to 2 to 3 times a day. I still had all the uncomfortable symptoms of asthma, but fewer. I knew that I was on the road to recovery. I had made positive changes to my diet and I was already getting results. I became comfortable with it and left it at that.
The Eden Sanitarium
Sanitarium Meaning
Within 1 year of making changes to my diet and lifestyle I stopped experiencing most of the symptoms of asthma
Within 1 year of making changes to my diet and lifestyle, I stopped experiencing most of the symptoms of asthma, I stopped having frequent asthma attacks. I started using the ‘reliever’ inhaler less and less. I had very mild asthma in the summer time when the pollen count was at its highest and very mild asthma in the winter when the weather was extremely cold. Within 2 years I stopped experiencing asthma altogether.
Regardless of my recovery, I took my ‘reliever’ inhaler everywhere. The fear of letting go took longer than what it took for me to become free from my condition.
I have been asthma free for 8 years now, I know that my testimonial will be able to help many people with this condition. I am sharing my story in order to add value to some one’s health, raise awareness about the health benefits of diet and lifestyle changes, and to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their health.
Do you want to look at the diet and lifestyle changes that made me asthma free?
Do you want to take responsibility for your health?
Do you want to find a solution to alleviate your health problems?
The Eden Sanitarium
Beauty Salons
Regardless of my recovery, I took my ‘reliever’ inhaler everywhere. The fear of letting go took longer than what it took for me to become free from my condition.
I have been asthma free for 8 years now, I know that my testimonial will be able to help many people with this condition. I am sharing my story in order to add value to some one’s health, raise awareness about the health benefits of diet and lifestyle changes, and to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their health.
Do you want to look at the diet and lifestyle changes that made me asthma free?
Do you want to take responsibility for your health?
Do you want to find a solution to alleviate your health problems?
The Eden Sanitarium
Beauty Salons
Immigrated to London U.K from a tropical island and a year later I developed asthma
My family and I immigrated to London U.K from a tropical island when I was 5 years old. A year later I developed asthma, a condition that would affect my life for many many years. Throughout my childhood, teenage and early adult years, it was not unusual for me to be admitted to hospital for asthma once or twice a year for about 7 to 10 days.
Like other asthmatic sufferers I was prescribed inhalers. It was thought that I had childhood asthma and that It would eventually go. However that wasn’t the case for me, my asthma became more chronic each year, and by the time I was in my late 20’s I was experiencing several attacks within the day. Disliking the taste and the dry cough reaction that I experienced when taking the ‘reliever‘ inhaler I avoided taking it as prescribed making my condition more and more sever which caused my doctors to increase the dose of the inhalers.
All sport activities were a tremendous challenge at school especially cross country running. I learnt to go everywhere with the ‘reliever’ inhaler in my pocket, as having an attack when not having my inhaler near by was not only a frightening experience but also life threatening.
The Eden Sanitarium
Health and beauty Spa
Like other asthmatic sufferers I was prescribed inhalers. It was thought that I had childhood asthma and that It would eventually go. However that wasn’t the case for me, my asthma became more chronic each year, and by the time I was in my late 20’s I was experiencing several attacks within the day. Disliking the taste and the dry cough reaction that I experienced when taking the ‘reliever‘ inhaler I avoided taking it as prescribed making my condition more and more sever which caused my doctors to increase the dose of the inhalers.
All sport activities were a tremendous challenge at school especially cross country running. I learnt to go everywhere with the ‘reliever’ inhaler in my pocket, as having an attack when not having my inhaler near by was not only a frightening experience but also life threatening.
The Eden Sanitarium
Health and beauty Spa
Conventional Medicine Had No Cure
I was doing a Nursing degree at the time my asthmatic condition was at it’s worse. Blessed to be surrounded by books and computers in the University library. I started to research daily into my condition and eventually saw a pattern occurring with what different authors were saying. I discovered that if I changed my diet and lifestyle habits I would be able to alleviate my asthma. I was not completely skeptical, coming from an island where the use of herbs were used as healing remedies. I also had a lot of exposure to health promotion within my church community.
However I did think, If it was that easy why wasn’t every asthmatic doing this? In answer to my own question I realised that a lot of people don’t know that they can alter their diet and lifestyle to reverse a diet and lifestyle related disease. It wasn’t until my awareness of my condition grew that I felt impressed to take responsibility for my own health conditions. I became very engrossed with the health books. As I sat in the University library working on my own assignments, I also had books associated with my health conditions on my table. I eventually developed a love hate relationship with my inhaler.
I would skim read through so many books and before long I was convinced that I had to take responsibility for my condition. Although the doctors and nurses were great they could only help manage my condition, but conventional medicine could not cure me.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
What is asthma
According to nhs.uk, asthma is a condition that is a common longterm disease affecting the small tubes, called bronchi, that carry air in and out of the lungs. The bronchi becomes inflammed, causing breathlessness, wheezing,coughing and a tight chest. And this condition can be managed well for most of the time for most people.
When ever an asthmatic comes into contact with a trigger, nhs.uk states that the muscles of the airways becomes narrow and tightens and their is an increase of phlegm a sticky mucus in the airways, causing the symptoms of asthma to appear.
nhs.uk goes on to say that asthma has a range of triggers such as allergens from foods, drinks and additives, pollen, mold, dust mites, pets, smoke, air pollution, colds, flu, strenuous exercise, weather, such as temperature changes, medication,stress and laughting. There is also a strong link between seasonal allergies, bronchial asthma and more.
nhs.uk also highlights asthma as having a number of causes and some factors may trigger asthma off more so than other factors, which include genetics and environment. Stating also that those at risk of getting asthma were people who had a family history of the condition,had other allergy related conditions, certain childhood lung infections, exposure to tobacco smoke in childhood, especially if mothers smoked during pregnancy, as well as premature births and low birth weights.
The condition is managed by preventing and relieving symptoms which involves the use of medication. Lifestyle advice and avoiding triggers for the individual also plays an important role in treatment. nhs.uk. further adds that their is no cure for asthma and that the condition varies from mild,moderate,severe and lifethreatening where hospital treatement is needed.
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Forever indebted to the hospital staff and ambulance crew for the quality of care I was given
I was admitted to hospital throughout my childhood, teenage and early adult years. I am forever indebted to the hospital staff and ambulance crew for the quality of care that I was given over the years. Memories of spending a few days away from home. No, not a spa day london treat, but a clinical environment, people in uniform and experiencing the arrival at the hospital and the immediate intervention of my medical treatment. The feeling of helplessness and relief of being in good hands.
By the time I was an adult, my hospital experience and memories takes me to wards where I saw mostly elderly patients fighting with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). At this stage I started to question myself. Why am I on this ward? surely it was a mistake, everyone is so old. However we all had something in common. We all appeared to have the same symptoms, fighting to breath, wheezing, coughing up thick mucus production, tightness in the chest. Not forgetting the flare up during the night or in the early hours of the morning.
Instead of being at a health spa, having spa treatments, I was bed bound and propped up with pillows, listening to the hissing sound, while watching the smoke escape the masks as we were given nebulizers to aid our breathing. My eyes would move from left to right looking at the other patients being given their treatment. Too weak to move, I remember mentally saying to myself, I have to find a cure.
(health and beauty products)
Monday, 9 September 2013
8 million people in the UK have asthma
The telegraph on Saturday 4th of May 2013 stated that, as many as 8 million people in the UK have asthma, and doctors have stated that a 1000 deaths caused by asthma each year could have been prevented if patients used their ‘preventer’ inhaler on a regular basis and not rely only on their ‘reliever’ inhaler when experiencing an attack. Concluding with the importance of raising awareness about the disease to educate asthma sufferers about the seriousness of their condition and to encourage individual sufferers to take responsibility in managing themselves more.
The BBC News on 14 January 2013 showed that researchers studied dietary patterns globally and found a correlation between allergy-related conditions and poor diet. This was due to eating more processed and unrefined foods through the rise of the fast foods industry. However they found that eating more fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants and vitamins cut down the risk of asthma.
Although there are some guidelines for foods that should be avoided by asthmatic sufferers, such like dairy products, shellfish, artificial additives,preservatives and colourings, nuts and yeast products. Most asthmatic sufferers are unaware of how a healthy balanced diet consisting of an increase of fruits and vegetables can make positive changes to their condition.
Like many asthmatic sufferers I too did not have a clue of the impact that diet and lifestyle played on my condition. Yet the information has been around for many years. I am happy to be able to share my journey with you.
To your health
Will share more with you soon.
spa days north west
Sunday, 8 September 2013
How I Became Asthma Free
I have been asthma free for 8 years now. I am writing this blog in order to add value to some one's health, raise awareness about the health benefits of diet and lifestyle changes, and to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their health.
Throughout my childhood, teenage and early adult years, it was not unusual for me to be admitted to hospital for asthma once or twice a year for about 7 to 10 days.
By my late 20's I could no longer walk long distance, run or go up and down stairs without being totally out of breath. I eventually started to feel chest pains. I was using the 'reliever' inhaler well beyond the recommended dose throughout the day.
To make matters worse, I then developed hay fever! So not only was I having difficulty breathing through my mouth. Now I had difficulty breathing through my nose. Not forgetting to mention, an itchy throat, weepy eyes, and avoiding nature walks, and keeping the windows shut during the summer. I thought enough! is enough!
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? follow me as I share my journey to how I became asthma free and hayfever free.
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Friday, 10 May 2013
Change Your Lifestyle, Prevent (Or Even Reverse) Your Diseases.....
Welcome to Eden Sanitarium for Diet & Lifestyle Education. I have been asthma free for 8 years now, I know that my testimonial will be able to help many people with this condition. I am writing this blog in order to add value to some one’s health, raise awareness about the health benefits of diet and lifestyle changes, and to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their health.
Click the link below to purchase my new audio book
Click the link below to purchase my new audio book
How I Became Asthma Free
£4.99 £2.99
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I spent days researching all I could about wheatgrass. I eventually concluded that growing my own would be the best way forward for me. I followed all the relevant instructions shared through books, internet and utube clips. So the day came when I harvested my wheatgrass and juiced it. I had to share the experience with someone and so mum and I took our first sip of the green juice.
Well if you could have seen the facial expressions you would never dream of trying it yourself. I managed to keep it down but my poor mother....I will leave it to your imagination. However I was determined to take it regardless of what my taste buds were telling me. I had read far too many testimonials to give up now. Although drinking the juice on an empty stomach on it’s own is considered to be the best way forward. I thought that getting this green juice into my body was all that mattered. So I tried it several times on its own each day and gave up. Then I began to experiment. I did not like it in water either. Eventually I discovered that I could take my wheatgrass shot in a fruit smoothie each day.
So three weeks went by and I was very busy with my wheatgrass regime. Planting, harvesting, juicing and drinking. I found I could freeze any excess and add the green cubes to my smoothie the next day.
It wasn’t until I went to another swimming session that I discovered what the wheatgrass was doing to my body. I swam that day, laps after laps after laps. Breaststroke, backstroke, doggy paddle, diving and seeing how long I could stay under water. I remember coming up from been under water so long, bouncing up and down while removing my hair from my face. Praising God....Praising God.....Praising God.
I can not explain the level of energy. I was not tired, not as breathless as I have always known myself to be. My lungs were healed. I knew at that moment that I had been healed. Although this experience was happening to my body, I could not believe my swimming session. I stayed for hours in the pool. I kept doing the laps and keeping my face under water for as long as I could.
Regardless of all of my experiences, my inhalers stayed close by my side. Too afraid to let it go. Too many near death experiences were associated with not having this inhaler in my hand bag. I knew that my inhaler had to go and this would prove to be the hardest thing that I had to do in my life at the time. I will share that experience with you soon.
The Eden Sanitarium for Diet & Lifestyle Education
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